I replied to one of the standard religious discussions with this. Careful not to pigeonhole what *I* think by it. There is more here than meets the casual eye.
A doctor walked up to a musician. The following conversation ensued.
Doctor: There is a God.
Musician: There is? Cool! Where is it?
Doctor: Well, God is in heaven.
Musician: Where is heaven?
Doctor: No one knows for sure. Not here? Or maybe here? No one knows.
Musician: Hmm, ok. Well when did God get there?
Doctor: No one knows. Now? Yesterday? Forever? Honestly I don't even know what time is.
Musician: Wow, heavy dude. Ok, how did God become existing?
Doctor: He was born or He always existed or he doesn't exist in that sense or he's all around us all the time. He is part of a universal bipolarity which indicates a counterpart of equal strength that some call the Devil.
Musician: Neat. Can I have some?
Doctor: Some what?
Musician: Some of what you're on, man. Haha, just kidding. Ok, what is God?
Doctor: A thought. An entity. A man, like us. A woman like her {points at female passerby}. An animal. A ghost. Bah. No one really knows.
Musician: Ok, just why is there a God?
Doctor: To love us, to guide us, to torture us, to make us question, to give us reason to NOT question, to judge us, to comfort us, to disturb us, to inspire us, to perplex us, to...shoot. You know, I have no idea honestly.
Musician: Let me get this straight. You say there's a God, but you don't know really where it is, what it is, how it is, why it is, or when it is. Is that correct?
Doctor: Yes, that is correct.
Musician: Then how can you claim that there is one for sure?
Doctor: I don't know. I just say there is.
Musician: Ok, well what if I say there isn't? What if I just disagree with you?
Doctor: Don't disagree.
Musician: Why not?
Doctor: Because God is this thing that you believe in. It's not something you see or smell or touch or hear. It's in your heart, not your senses.
Musician: My heart can't think. It's a muscle. I'm pretty sure I can prove that unlike some of the things you're asking me to believe without proof. So don't you mean God is something I feel with my brain by thinking about it?
Doctor: Yes, sure. God is all in your head.
Musician: Now we agree.