A place where we practice random acts of insight and humor.
Rantus 5
Published on April 8, 2004 By OckhamsRazor In Internet
I'm sick of it. Sick sick sick.

You know, back in the day when I really had a burning desire to learn all about the basket weaving techniques of the southern aboriginal tribes of western australia, I could pop it into a web engine as a search and BOOM...there it was. In triplicate. Everything I could ever possibly want to know.

And now I get trash...and people selling me Viagra (which I don't need....yet...dammit)

Anyhow...I just felt like giving a shout out to ranting. It's that time again folks...can you feel it in the air? Something big is gonna happen. Change is coming. It's coming soon.

on Apr 08, 2004
The problem is that most of the web pages on google and the other search engines are money making sites. I think at the library you can access data bases, but I haven't tried much.
on Apr 08, 2004
On the bright side, if you need viagra, you'll be able to find it:)
