Why is this in the politics section? Hahahaha, you're kidding, right?
Oh those crazy Cat addicts. They're up to it again. You know...the Cat-holics, though I've seen it written without the hyphen a lot. Catholics. Anyway....
Let's talk Divine Inspiration for a moment. Supposedly the Pope is divinely inspired to bring the word of God to the non-popes of the world. (That's you and me) And since he (she? LMAO - NOT!) has "Papal Infallibility," it should be fairly fool proof. If you're not sure what that is, let me, between fits of giggles, fill you in. It's the belief that "In Catholic theology, papal infallibility is the dogma that, by action of the Holy Spirit, the Pope is preserved from even the possibility of error" (taken from Wiki)
Well, this just in. Your un-baptized baby has been granted a reprieve from the Office of the Surgeon general of the Vatican who now says: "there was reason to hope that babies who die without baptism can go to heaven." Whew...who else is relieved? And you should believe that, too. The guy is infallible, after all, and since HIS dogma occurred AFTER the guy whose infallibility claimed the opposite...well duh. Any Bible thumping moron knows what that means. Don't they?
I simply love this kind of thing. The Catholic church is no more than the world's most successful cult. It's got more blood on its hands than a doctor in a hospital for "Hemophiliacs That Accidentally Stick Their Heads Into Blenders."
What blows my mind is how this cult manages to keep on keepin' on. They've been wrong so many times now it's embarrassing to watch, and they seem to fail to recognize the very simple logical fact that if one Pope overthrows the idea of another Pope that "Papal Infallibility" becomes what it really has been all along. "Papal Fallacy." No one has to prove or argue anything! They do it of their own volition! AND DON'T SEEM TO NOTICE!
Oh, and since we're on the subject of Papal Infallibility, I have some bad news for those of you not addicted to cats. Quote: "For the second time in a week, Pope Benedict XVI has corrected what he says are erroneous interpretations of the Second Vatican Council, reasserting the primacy of the Roman Catholic Church and saying other Christian communities were either defective or not true churches."
Thanks for playing Episcopaleans, Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, etc... Unfortunately the Papally Infallible gentleman in the pointy hat says you're screwed. Have a nice day.
"Christ 'established here on earth' only one Church," said the document released as the pope vacations at a villa in Lorenzago di Cadore, in Italy's Dolomite mountains."
Have a good vacation, Pope. Stay away from the Cats man...they're doing weird things to you.
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