A place where we practice random acts of insight and humor.
And just maybe into your own
Published on July 30, 2007 By OckhamsRazor In Blogging
Time for explanation of a sort. I've been ranting more often than not, lately, and I've probably given some people the wrong impression. I am not as ranty in real life as I may sound here. Some, yes, but I am also full of good will, tolerance, compassion, and a great deal of empathy...empathy to a painful degree, which is likely the source of my rants when I indulge them.

I came here, not to participate in a competition, but to have a place to let go. It is my catharsis. My visions. My understanding. My opinion. My beliefs. You see, this is my coloring book, and it has always been so, and I have stated as much - a free place to color inside or outside the lines, with matching colors or with horribly clashing ones, or, if I felt like it, to rip the pages and scatter them. It's my blog. And it is open to the public for one sole reason. Because I know with every word I speak or write that I might have missed something - that I might be wrong. How would I get any input without all of you?

This blog is just two months shy of 4 years old. During that time, I have been through many tribulations, though none more than anyone else, and less than many, I am sure. I have had times where I wrote inciteful things, things that were designed to elicit thinking, things that were silly, and some things that were inane. But all shared one thing. They were very deliberate. Deliberate for varying reasons, but deliberate nonetheless.

This particular entry goes out to a long long list of people. Some names I will not remember, and I hate that, because once upon a dream, my memory was quite good. But I will make an attempt. Abe Cubbage. Bakerstreet. Emperoroficecream, Sir Peter Mayhem (or something like that), Muggaz(BAM!), Locomama. Texas Wahine. Little Whip. Dan Kaschel. Trinitie (new-age nomad). Imajinit. MasonM. straniero (one of our newest friends), ModerateMan. Gideon Macleish. KFC. dharmagrl. xtine. Shovelheat. ParaTed2K. Kingbee. Dr. Guy. Zoomba. drmiler. SanChonino. Col Gene, lifehappens. foreverserenity. cactoblasta, SilentPoet. Sean Conners. jennifer1. Greywar. AndyBaker. Mr_Frog. mignuna. stevendedalus. JillUser. Gerry Atrick. Draginol. shadesofgrey. Hahaha...and most lately, asaxygirl - surprised as I was. And there are probably some that I left out, but that's a good start.

Some of these people have put me in *this* box. Some have put me in *that* box. Some have seen straight through my disguise. Some I have taken it off for. Some have remained noncommittal. Some have found me inflammatory. Some have found me inciteful while some have found me insightful. Some have taken great pleasure in pointing out the flaws in my logic. Some have taken great pleasure in thanking me for it. Some have laughed at my jokes. Some haven't noticed they were jokes. Some have been pissed off when reading some of my stuff. Some have been overjoyed. Some have debated my political ideals, or my religious ideals, or my philosophical ideals. Many have done a combination of all of the above in a meager 57 posts over the course of four years. All have behaved exactly as I would expect them to - because I don't really think we're all that different from one another. Not sure about that? Read the list above again and see if it does not apply to you, as well.

None have known who I really am, but so many are quick to assume by a few words what I have become over my 44 years. The trap those have fallen into is one of assumption based on the very same stereotypes they would rant and rave in defense against. You can see this occur as next year's election heats up. This side will say this in a loud voice. That side will say that in a loud voice. And if you're able to step back and look at the bearers of the two voices, you will see they are exactly the same person. They will both desire something greatly. They will be certain their desire is the most worthy. And they will blame whoever doesn't blame them first. Watch.

In the future, if you want to get to know me, you don't have far to go. I'm in the mirror with you. Should you believe that I am not, then I must be a reflection of you, and so, together we are again because a reflection can't live without a source, and a source without a reflection is a vampire aka "not real."

Thank you all for blogging here...those mentioned and those who I may have forgotten. You have touched my life a lot over 4 years, and, despite what you may project or believe, I appreciate it.

on Jul 30, 2007
I'm waiting for Texas to wander in and say "Ah HA! SEE!! He got laid."
on Jul 30, 2007
Thanks for the shout out. Haha.

I don't think I have put you in a box yet. Hehe. I am just not all that deep.

I am glad to see you around more, and I am glad to see your wife join in. This will be fun.
on Jul 30, 2007
LOL, we posted at the same time.

So, it's true? You finally got laid? Excellent.
on Jul 30, 2007
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. Now what more appropriate cliche?
on Jul 30, 2007
I have always valued your comments, even the ones where we clashed. Disagreement contrary to popular belief is a good thing, at least to me it is, for it is how I learn new and exciting points of view, some of which I have adopted into my own value system. I am not well educated as I was asked to leave high school "for the good of the school' as a sophomore, But I am a valued member and hold a PhD from the school of hard knocks. Your rants as you call them shows passion about what you are typing about, passion is a good thing to me. There are several things I am horrible about discussing and my friends here avoid my blogs about being a Jew and how I perceive the world like the plague because I am most unreasonable about the subject. My bad about this subject. I look forward to reading more of you.

BTW I am one of those that never would begin to think I have the vaguest Idea who someone is because of what they write about. I have even blogged on that subject. People think they know me, well they don't have a clue, Sabrina {littlewhip} has a real good idea due to many hours of phone calls and some revealing conversations.
Peace to you and yours,

MM aka elie
on Jul 30, 2007
(got the book today. kick-ASS. email to follow, after i've finished the prefaces.)

AWESOME! I have my money on you can't put it down.
on Jul 30, 2007

You list many that I miss.  Too bad they left, but hope they come back.

I have really seen too little of your stuff to be biased one way or the other.  You were on haitus for awhile, and then came back zestier than before.  SO I will continue to read and appreciate your comments.

And look in the mirror when I need a reminder.

on Jul 30, 2007
I would never go so far as to try and judge a person purely by what they write on a blog. Many people blog because they can say things and express thoughts that might otherwise seem out of place in their "real" life.

For some reason we seemed to have clashed at the beginning (though I am still not sure why), but I really don't think we are so very different. I look forward to continuing to discover both our similarities and our differences.
on Jul 30, 2007
You list many that I miss. Too bad they left, but hope they come back.

I noticed BakerStreet is gone. That saddened me greatly. Any idea why? Some drama I missed...dunno whether to be thankful or sad that I wasn't more active and might have stayed him from leaving. He was thoughtful. Full of thought. I liked that.

You were on haitus for awhile, and then came back zestier than before.

Zestier *chuckle* I like that. Read again...you missed it. You are associating what I am *here* with what you think is *me*. The "me" you think I am is a collage of stereotypes that you piece together from things I say here at various different times. Trap. This is a fatal flaw in human communication - most definitely so with internet communication. It's a trap we ALL fall into once in a while - me too, and it's caused by us all wanting to find something we relate to for the sole purpose of feeling we are not alone (my guess). When we find something we do NOT relate to/agree with, we tend to downplay it (at best) or denegrate it (at worst.) This is human nature. And it's the mirror I refer to. We will see in all others either identity (we are in the mirror together) or reflection (this being has facets that are opposite of mine.) The totality of it all is that we're all the same...a big spectrum of reflections and identities. Zoom out. We're all of the same tree. The tree of mankind.

SO I will continue to read and appreciate your comments.

If it's good, appreciate away. If it's shit, lay me out on my ass. And that's my invitation to all - with a slight caveat. If you aim to lay me out, bear objective weapons. My goal isn't to be right...it is to think...together, and there is no truth to be found in how you feel.

And look in the mirror when I need a reminder.

I'll be here looking, too. The mirror is daunting (if you really think about it), and I'll take all the help I can get.
on Jul 30, 2007
For some reason we seemed to have clashed at the beginning (though I am still not sure why), but I really don't think we are so very different. I look forward to continuing to discover both our similarities and our differences.

I'll state it simply. I don't want people here that don't have the courage to come back and die for their beliefs (which is another way of saying 'state a logical argument, or admit humbly you do not have one.) I included you in my list of people I am grateful to because you did come back. Some would blast me and depart, some would claim they weren't interested and depart, but you stayed to think it out. Thank you. Some others in that list have not come here, or would not stay. But they are still reflections in the mirror that teach me. And I am grateful.
on Jul 30, 2007
Your rants as you call them shows passion about what you are typing about, passion is a good thing to me.

As the subtitle says...

I look forward to reading more of you.

Which reminds me, I really need to start wandering more. I spend so much blog time writing and replying, but I'd really love to wander around a bit and read some other folks stuff. Self-centered of me.

on Aug 03, 2007
I'm a few years old in this world, myself. I've been sucked into the drama once or twice... and I've been the drama once or twice. I remember Sir Peter Maxwell coming and going with all the applomb of a proper eccentric billionaire; I remember Dharma's Ducky and "Deleted"'s banning. When I dropped off the face of the earth--that is, when I was *ahem* banned--I turned elsewhere for the sense of community that JU offered. It won't surprise anybody to hear that I never found anything quite like it.

These days I mostly lurk in the shadows and occasional post via my alter-ego. But even though I'm not immersed in JU anymore, it's good to know that this community will always be here, squabbling and bickering and ranting and raving about anything and everything. And loving. That too.

on Aug 03, 2007
It's good to hear from you, man. Really good - because I know this can only be one "Dan." Do stay in touch!