A place where we practice random acts of insight and humor.
5000 baby...read it and weep
Published on August 10, 2007 By OckhamsRazor In Blogging
That's right folks. 5000 points for old Ock. You're so screwed. I just made N/A for my rank here in this community. Because when you're named Ockhamsrazor, that means one thing. Top Shelf.

I'd like to thank all my peeps for making this possible. You know who you are, you 6 digit mofos, you.

This is a great milestone. It means my opinions have more impact now. My opinions are more true than the guy with less than 5000 points. Hahahaha you pathetic losers! You can't compete with me...what were you even thinking?!

*walks off laughing hysterically*

Yeah...I AM bored. Not quite bored enough to come up with something valuable to say, but bored nonetheless.

on Aug 10, 2007
LOL! What's that again...N/A....Not Applicable...ROFL!LOL!

Bored, no, it's TGIF...no time to be bored!LOL! Look whose talking, I'm on a break and about to go file a lot of paperwork at work right now, wishing I was on the beach somewhere with a pint in my hand! WAH....at least I have a job, cant complain!

I have a swimming pool date for later with my kids, something to look forward to! Now, go have some fun!

Oh yeah...CONGRATS on your 5000 points!  
on Aug 10, 2007
Well, not only do I have just over 5000 points... I also have a top-10 blog! Woot.
on Aug 10, 2007
It is an exciting moment in JU history. I am very impressed with your blogging abilities. Keep on keeping on, man.

Here's a topic for you, where did the name Ockham's Razor come from?
on Aug 10, 2007
I'm doing this without looking it up - for the record.

It was originally a philosphical tenant proposed by William of Occam (which is why it's actually more correct to say Occam's razor, but both spellings are accepted for some reason) that suggested that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily. What that translates to is "given two solutions, the simpler one is more likely to be the truth." aka "Keep it simple, stupid"

Now did you really think someone who named himself "OckhamsRazor" wouldn't know where it came from?
on Aug 10, 2007
on Aug 11, 2007

I am starting to really like you.
on Aug 11, 2007
I am starting to really like you.

Quite mutual. I never say much of anything on your blogs, TW, but they always make me smile. You represent something that seems to be getting lost these days. Nice moms that actually parent their children. And really, people, we should thank parents like TW more often. Because I'm about sick of the unparented brats, aren't you?

Well, not only do I have just over 5000 points... I also have a top-10 blog!

As for some of the rest of you. You are not Top Shelf. Just having lots of controversial articles that breed lots of points does not make you top shelf. Sorry, Jythier, but I'm looking right at you. You keep that top 10, blog, bro. I'll keep my integrity, instead. Texas is Top Shelf. Little Whip is Top Shelf. But you, sir, are a poser - a regurgitator of disputable nonsense with nothing to back it up with aside from your undying willingness to believe something because 'they' told you it was so. Individual thought = 0. I love ya, man...don't get me wrong here...I love everyone - even that hapless twit, COL Gene, but you need help in the thinking department. Gene is hopeless, so I don't bother, so consider it a compliment that I'm painting a picture for you. To wit:

Here's a little bible thumping for you, bud.

Christians Chapter 5 v.1-19

Another social problem the Christians took care of was education.
2 Under the old heathen way, a lot of apes learned how to read and write and add and subtract,
3 Which exposed them to a lot of bad ideas that made it harder for them to get into heaven,
4 Like science,
5 Which is okay,
6 The way the priests explained it,
7 Unless it isn't,
8 Which meant that the church had to take a pretty active role in education,
9 To make sure all education was properly Christian,
10 And didn't get anyone in trouble with bad ideas.
11 And so they decided the best kind of education was no education at all,
12 Except for priests and kings and some nobles,
13 Who needed to know how to read and write and add and subtract so they could tax the serfs the right amount,
14 Which was 100 percent,
15 This being the only amount which ensured that serfs would not have any land or money or buildings,
16 And so could go to heaven.
17 Meanwhile, the church put all the books and manuscripts they didn't burn into monasteries
18 Where they could be studied by religious bachelors called monks,
19 Who took an oath of silence so that no bad ideas would leak out and damn the serfs to hell.


P.S. I'm up to 5040 now. Can you hear the walls tumbling down?