A place where we practice random acts of insight and humor.
To My Mari
Published on October 7, 2007 By OckhamsRazor In Misc
I've said it before. I use this site to spew a random amount of stuff into the blogosphere. And once again, I thank the creators of it for the space to do just that.

Today's spewage is a dedication to a wonderful woman. I am a lucky lucky man, and I'll tell ya...it took me a long time to get lucky. (*rimshot*)

Dear Mari,

I just wanted to tell you that I love you - here - in public. You're brilliantly intelligent. You're an awesome cook. You put up with me, and that, by itself, is a feat that not many could ever hope to accomplish. (And many have tried)

I am sitting across from you as I write this. You're doing homework - some bio-technical thing I couldn't imagine understanding (even though I know you think I could) and you're doing it to help us both. To secure for me a chance to relax when I'm done with my 20 years of military service. No man could be as lucky as I am to have you in my life.

There are a whole lot of things I could say about you, dear. Many of them aren't really for the public eye, and so I leave those out. But you know. You know the selfless devotion you've given me over the last years. You know the bad times and the good times, and you should know, if you don't, that how you dealt with those bad times is an appreciated testament of your love, your character, and your faith in me. I just didn't want you to think I didn't notice. I definitely do.

I just wanted to make the thought public. I love you, babe. You rock.

on Oct 07, 2007
Ah mush!
on Oct 07, 2007
Ah mush!

Ha ha, Mason. Yeah...busted as charged. I really love this woman, and for some wacky reason, she likes me, too.
on Oct 07, 2007
Ah mush!

Ah seconded!   

on Oct 07, 2007
Ah seconded!

Fuck it...I'll third it
on Oct 07, 2007
This is so sweet! You're a lucky woman Mari..a man who gushes in public..priceless!
on Oct 08, 2007
Ah, very nice... This sounds like something I would write about my wife. Aren't we lucky men?