A place where we practice random acts of insight and humor.
What I've really Been Up To
Published on December 23, 2007 By OckhamsRazor In Misc
Someone, somewhere, had an idea one day. They said "Hey...what if...just what IF! NO no no...hear me out. WHAT IF we actually helped some third world countries take care of themselves so that LATER they didn't become a breeding ground for all manner of ne'erdowells?"

It's a pretty good premise. I can attest now, first hand, that security, at least in the seas that surround many West African countries, is in a sad state of disrepair. Here's what that causes to the West Africans. There are lots of sea-going piracy activities. Illegal fishing, drug running, and yes you liberal R-tards - it's about oil, too. So what? The dealio is that lots of money that SHOULD be going into West African infrastructure is literally floating out of their countries on someone else's boat, and it isn't a U.S. boat.

Now before I make it seem like if all the piracy were stopped everything would be A-OK, let me burst that ideological bubble right away. West African politics is often its own worst enemy. Leaders of those countries have been living for so long in a world where being one of the "haves" is so important that often when they GET money to put into the infrastructure, it winds up in a few people's pockets instead. That aside, maritime security in these countries - well educated, well trained maritime security - is paramount to West Africa ever digging itself out of the third world. And for better or worse, the U.S. has gone in to actually help without getting anything for it. *cough*

Come on. We all know that's silly. But give some credit. What the U.S. truly hopes to get out of this is to cinch up what is a breeding ground mecca for terrorism. It's a proactive approach to making a place that might ONE day be a terrible problem into a place that will not be. And if you don't have to send your children to die in West Africa in 10 or 20 years because of it, then it was a good bet.

Hell, it's a good bet, no matter what. Right now, China is dumping money into West Africa in almost embarrassing amounts, but it's like giving a caveman a porsche. He gnaws on it for a little while, realizes it isn't edible, and then uses it for a table. What the U.S. Navy is attempting to do is give these people some knowledge, and then teach them how to apply it. I've seen it, and it's legitimately helpful.

Is oil a factor? Probably, but who cares? I've seen a lot of really shitty situations in Africa. Stuff that will make you very happy to have what you have. If this small effort on the part of the U.S. government helps to get some money that belongs in _____________ (Cameroon for instance) to STAY in Cameroon, then that's a good thing for everybody.

I'm right there with George Carlin, to be honest with you. I have a few rules. And one of them is I don't believe ANYthing the government tells me. Nothing. Nada. Zero. But I will tell you this - whether there are ulterior self driven motives or no, African Partnership Station is a good thing for everyone. I'm personally glad that the U.S. military has finally concocted a plan that makes some sense, and regardless of its supposed motives, the sense still makes sense. It's a win-win situation, and I'm proud to have been a part of it.

on Dec 24, 2007
Can I at least get an "African-American" (who Africans hate, by the way - they haven't seen the country of "Africa-America" and we had that in common.) to comment?
on Dec 25, 2007
Merry Christmas, Ockham!!!