A place where we practice random acts of insight and humor.
Saturday Night Live
Published on August 30, 2008 By OckhamsRazor In Politics

My wife spoke to me yesterday over skype chat.  She's in San Diego right now picking up two of our zoo (cats) that have been staying with her parents there.  She's the one that gave me the news that McCain/McSame/McLame/ oh go on...you guys fill in the blanks....had picked a female for his VP.


I pissed my pants laughing.  Very clever.  VERY funny.


You see, I am no longer delusional about the government serving me.  The government has no interest in serving me or you or anyone except themselves.  I know.  That's a dark thought.  I'm sorry.


Not really.


Pull your heads out of your collective asses.  When you argue about this guy or that girl or whatever being the better candidate, you're just a tool, because there's a big machine back in the shadows that's operating the whole thing, and if you don't think so, then answer me why...even through democratic and republican presidents....why are we so dependent on oil? 


In my mind, oil is THE issue.  Fuck the homeless and the starving and taxes, and the whole nine yards.  Why are we so dependent on oil?  And why is this my big question?  Because there's shit going on behind the scenes that we aren't being told.  We elect someone to represent us, but after that, THEY choose what decisions they make.  In other words, once we've picked someone, we sure hope they are who they say they are, but they NEVER are.  NONE.  ZERO.  NOT ONE.


Politicians are the scum of the earth.  Not even lawyers can compare.  If I could press a button and erase all politicians from the planet, they'd be gone faster than you could say "no whammies."


Politicians have one and only one redeeming quality.  They provide material to comics.

on Aug 30, 2008

Hmm.  Too dark?

on Aug 30, 2008

No.  Too bitingly true.

on Aug 30, 2008

I think you're temperament has been taken over by your cats.

on Aug 30, 2008

The government has no interest in serving me or you or anyone except themselves.

There was a good line in The Bourne Supremacy that said there's only two real powers at work in the world: the haves versus haves not. There is no republican or democrat or Al-quida or us or them or whatever -it all boils down to the haves versus the haves not. It's an old struggle, nothing new there and a politician is just a carpetbagger in the mix trying to find a place to cash in.

on Aug 30, 2008

Hmm, sounds about right.



on Aug 30, 2008

I think you're temperament has been taken over by your cats.


I left the last part on there in case any admins drop by and are curious how their emotes work in Firefox that has the NoScript plugin


But to the point, was my temperament to be taken over by my cats, I would eat and sleep all day, and I do neither.


It's an old struggle, nothing new there and a politician is just a carpetbagger in the mix trying to find a place to cash in.


I like the choice of the word "carpetbagger."  And until humans as a whole start caring as much about who can think fast as who can swim fast or run fast or punch harder or pass more receptions or score more goal units or shoot more baskets or make more money, politicians will continue to rape us.


Years pass...every election, everyone acts like the change we all want hangs in the balance.  And no matter who is elected, the only change that happens is bad.  This election won't be any different.  So if you're going to vote (a complete waste of time if there ever was one - it's like choosing whether to slide down a rusty razorblade into a pool of vinigar or a pool of iodine) then vote for the candidate which will make your Saturday Night Live experience more enjoyable, because I'm telling you straight.  Laughter's all we've got left.

on Sep 02, 2008

Is vinegar conservative, or is iodine?

Anyway, you're completely wrong of course.  The election isn't even about us choosing.  The electors vote after us.  Who are they going to vote for if they're pledged for McCain and he's dead?  It's a big joke.  Of course, you could vote for a third party candidate.  We would see some change, for about 8 years, until it's a mainstream party and becomes intertwined with all the behind the scenes things you speak of.  Then you end up with just another party that's doing the same thing, as it will attract those that want power for themselves instead of those who want power to better America.  Let me tell you, there are candidates who only want to best for America.  But they don't belong to a major party, because if you belong to a party, your first want is the best for your party.

on Sep 02, 2008

Iodine is conservative.


Hiya J, long time.

on Sep 02, 2008

Then I'll slide into the iodine...  why's it still hurt so bad?

on Sep 02, 2008

It HAS been a while, hasn't it Ock?  Getting enough chess in?

on Sep 04, 2008

Wasn't it Mussolini who said something about facism should be called corporatism because it is merger of state and corporate power.  It seems to me most policitical decisions these days are due to this very fact.

Hmm.  Too dark?

More likely too right.

on Sep 04, 2008

I hear ya! It doesn't matter who is in the "house" they all screw us in the end!