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Ock's World
A place where we practice random acts of insight and humor.
Are we virtual?
Ramblus 13
Published on February 18, 2005 By
A thought has been slowly forming. I've been hesitant to post it because it sounds just a little too much like some of the crap we hippy wannabes from the 70s used to spew after a particularly good bong hit, but it's not leaving my head, and I haven't done drink or drug in quite some time now.
I'm in the military, for those that don't know me, and the thought I'm about to relay was spawned almost randomly and began as a joke.
I was riding in the back seat of a car with some of my friends. We had left the base to go to lunch on town, and we were talking about computers - namely graphics cards. Of the group, I tend to be the one with the "outside" sense of humor, and in my standard form I said "I got an awesome graphics card in my brain....everything looks so real!" Laughter ensued.
Most of you can guess that when you approach a military base's gate, you must show your ID card to get on the base. So deciding I had not had enough, I took the joke another step and started tugging on the driver's sleeve and saying "Hey hey! I've done this part. You have to show him your card to get on the base. You got through the enlisting part of the game, right? Because if you didn't, you won't have the card you need to get on the base." More laughter.
I am going somewhere with all this...standby.
Later I started thinking about this. I play a Massive Multiplayer Online Game called "World of Warcraft." The virtual worlds, however fanatastical, amaze me, and I've seen them develop over time. Less and less of one's imagination is required to be immersed. Technology is becoming such that immersion is more and more just a natural part of "logging in."
My "character" is an elf. He flies on a gryphon to travel from one city to another, and some of the trips are lengthy. I watch him flying. For all I can tell he is quite intent on what he is doing. "What is he thinking?" I wonder.
Ok, enough. What is the point? I'm wondering at the fact that we, as a species, seem to be moving in the direction of becoming gods. It is very likely a psychological projection. We cannot control our own lives...we all want peace and freedom, and yet we all prepare for war and strive to control or manipulate others. Are virtual worlds a subconscious effort to do the right thing somewhere since we can't seem to do it here?
Have a look at this for some
more fun
The other thought this brings to mind...provided you've continued to play this part of the game...is 'are WE virtual?' If we're getting to the point where we can create immersive environments with every reason to believe they will become more and more realistic, how big of a stretch is it to imagine that somewhere someone is marvelling at the realism with which their character is typing this blog?
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No Luck
on Feb 18, 2005
Read God Game, by Andrew M Greely.
on Feb 18, 2005
Yes, we are virtual. The problem is that our operating systems are prone to glitches and error messages.
on Feb 18, 2005
The problem is that our operating systems are prone to glitches and error messages.
Those are features.
Abe Cubbage
on Feb 23, 2005
"I got an awesome graphics card in my brain....everything looks so real!"
I'm wondering at the fact that we, as a species, seem to be moving in the direction of becoming gods.
That, or we will destroy ourselves by doing something like trying to weigh the Higg Bosun particle.
how big of a stretch is it to imagine that somewhere someone is marvelling at the realism with which their character is typing this blog?
When I was a kid one of my favorite daydreams was to imagine that I was being watched/controlled by some unkown sentience. Then, at times, I would leave my body and become the thing observing me. With an angled top-down view just like in Ultima Onlie.
Where do I sign up to be a human battery (ref. The Matrix)?
Did you ever get around to reading "The Things They Carried"? If so, what did you think?
Abe Cubbage
on Apr 17, 2005
Texas Wahine
on Apr 17, 2005
Yeah, I'm playing the lowly "dependent" version of that game...my ID card to gain access to the base doesn't even have a microchip in it.
on Apr 20, 2005
If i'm virtual, which is to say that i'm a character in a game (see: the matrix), then my question is, am i in charge of what programs my character runs in?
right now my character is running multiple programs, to include:
Cowboy 8.0
Air Force Maint. Coordinator E-6, which is an upgrade from Airborne Infantryman E-5. (a lot of people didn't think that upgrade would work... pfft... they didn't think the software was compatible... what do they know?)
Michael 30 interfaces with Michelle 26 on a regular basis, and this seems to keep my character happy.
one other question though... you play MMORPGs, AND you have friends in real life? that just doesn't add up. your character must be really evolved or something.
David McLaurin
on Jun 16, 2005
Are we in Italy? Do they not have internet there? No activity on Ock's World...por quoi?
on Jun 19, 2005
'are WE virtual?'
Yes, we’re most definitely virtual.
how big of a stretch is it to imagine that somewhere someone is marvelling at the realism with which their character is typing this blog?
You're right. All is not what it seems down here. Ever heard of the Elohim? They're the 'someone' you're talking about.
make man in our image and likeness" - Genesis 1.26.
Who is this "us", to which the Bible refers? It's the Elohim, who resided in the Garden of Eden, (Heaven-Paradise - the spiritual and True dimension). Adam and Eve are the Elohim's descendants, who were in turn created in the image and likeness of God, the Father.
It's true that whilst living down here on earth, it’s like living in the Matrix. Even though most of us assume that this is the "real world", and that our earthly life is the be all and end all of our existence, there is a Real World beyond our earthly awareness. (Heaven awaits us beyond the veil of death.)
JC is supreme head of all Creation - the Heavens and the Earth - and the Angels and the Elohim are next in the hierarchy. We are Adam and Eve's descendants, who were driven from Paradise when they chose to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It wasn't possible for Adam and Eve to taste the fruits of evil in Paradise, because pain doesn't exist there. Therefore they had to "fall” from Eden to Earth in order to eat the fruits of good
evil – and thus garner the full scope of wisdom. (That's what it means to "become like God, knowing good and evil".)
somewhere someone is marvelling at the realism with which their character is typing this blog
Ockham, someone is indeed marvelling at the realism with which this character, (me), (and you), are typing these blogs. There's a bigger picture, and life goes far deeper than most of us assume.
on Jun 19, 2005
Kind of goes along the same lines of we are merely the dream of some other entity.
on Jun 19, 2005
Kind of goes along the same lines of we are merely the dream of some other entity.
That's also true, from a certain point of view.
"In the beginning, God" (Gen. 1.1) ... "God is Spirit" (John 4.24)
God is the fundamental reality. Everything else is merely God's Idea, including the Heavens and the Earth, and including all of life. We're all figmants of God's Imagination. God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and as God's Spirit transcends and encompasses everything, then our so-called "reality" is merely part of God's Dream (i.e. in His Consciousness).
God must have dreamt it all up for an all-wise and beneficent purpose, otherwise He wouldn't have bothered, I'm sure.
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