A place where we practice random acts of insight and humor.
OckhamsRazor's Articles In Astronomy
October 8, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
As a child, I sat in stunned silence in front of the television as Neal Armstrong set foot on the only non-terrestrial object man has ever visited; the Moon. Later, in my teen years, I would walk down the street to an open area (our home was surrounded with pine trees) to lay on the ground and look up at the stars. It is my love of the universe that prompted me to contact an organization that encourages our children to look up. And not just to look up, but to encourage those that might b...
September 29, 2006 by OckhamsRazor
In Napoli, Italy, garbage is burned. And aside from the smoke that puts into the air, it is common for sand to blow up into the air from Africa, travel over here, and rain dirt on to our cars. Suffice it to say that the atmosphere is less than spectacular here. They say that just living in Napoli is like smoking a half pack of cigarettes a day. Last week we had a lot of rain, and I look forward to that because it serves to clear the air. I have this little porch like place that's o...