I suppose it's somewhat ironic that I'm placing this article in Philosophy->Ethics, but perhaps you'll bear with me to see why. Let's face something, folks - there's a big debate, on these forums, and just about everywhere else, about what should be taught in a science classroom and what should not. I have one real problem with the argument from both sides - it is emotionally based. I find absolutely no use for emotion when discussing something that is "supposedly" sc...
Not only is this a rant, but it's a ramble, too. I just got backfrom 9 days aboard a ship, and every time I go to one of these things,I see stuff that for me, at least, is a clear indicator of why thegears are starting to grind more often. Morale on most of the ships I've been on is very low, but guess what? It isn't because of the job itself. It's something else - something deep. So, in order to deal with it, I just startedwriting in a word document about some litt...