This blog would have come sooner, but I was busy. I was busy with my new case of WinPsoriasis. I've been clawing and scratching layers of skin off of my windows GUI only to replace it with other layers, and....I can't seem to stop. Right now I am sporting "Colony" created by Mike Bryant; a lovely skin with an old west flair, but a techno edge. It reminds me very much of Stephen King's series "The Dark Tower" in flavor. Like Clint Eastwood meets the Terminator. But I digress... Yeste...
O joy O joy!!! Yes, this will seem like a troll, but I don't care because I am full! Full to the brim with the joy of being! Being a windows user, that is. I'm a dual computer guy, actually. Upstairs, my PC, and the Mac is downstairs with all my recording equipment plugged into it. It had recently been in the shop...I just got it back. 2 weeks to replace bad RAM, something anyone that can tie their shoes can do in 5 minutes while drunk. Why? "Because," the peppy Apple lady said c...