A place where we practice random acts of insight and humor.
OckhamsRazor's Articles » Page 5
August 30, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
Maybe I'm a masochist of a different variety. I like discussing religion - basically of all types, but the only ones that seem to generate any healthy (and maybe sometimes not so healthy) debate are Christians. So I'm re-reading the King James bible to reacquaint myself with certain things in it that - I'm sorry - to me make no sense. I'm not expecting much debate on this stuff, really, because debate requires logic, and there is no logic to be found in a lot of this. It isn't meant to de...
August 30, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
Maybe I'm a masochist of a different variety. I like discussing religion - basically of all types, but the only ones that seem to generate any healthy (and maybe sometimes not so healthy) debate are Christians. So I'm re-reading the King James bible to reacquaint myself with certain things in it that - I'm sorry - to me make no sense. I'm not expecting much debate on this stuff, really, because debate requires logic, and there is no logic to be found in a lot of this. It isn't meant to de...
August 30, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
Those who haven't seen the post should know that Champas Socialist recently did something most of us would be petrified to do - a standup comedy gig. In a response, I mentioned loving comedy, and Jythier responded "probably because it's so funny, eh Ock?" To which I replied, basically, that it was that and my understanding of the nature of humor but that that subject was another blog. That's the backstory, and here is that blog. In order to begin, I should mention first that this wil...
August 28, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
I didn't know whether to put this in religion or humor, and then I decided. Humor. Probably the funniest damned thing I've heard in a while. Here's the story, believe it or not. By Matthew Philips Newsweek Aug. 20-27, 2007 issue - In one of history's more absurd acts of totalitarianism, China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission. According to a statement issued by the State Administration for Religious Affairs, the law, which goes in...
August 28, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
I didn't know whether to put this in religion or humor, and then I decided. Humor. Probably the funniest damned thing I've heard in a while. Here's the story, believe it or not. By Matthew Philips Newsweek Aug. 20-27, 2007 issue - In one of history's more absurd acts of totalitarianism, China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission. According to a statement issued by the State Administration for Religious Affairs, the law, which goes in...
August 28, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
Don't get me wrong...I'm quite in love with my wife, but this woman has something.... Even if you don't like jazz, listen to it all...watch her. Tell me I'm crazy. Found another good one - more straight ahead with just the trio.
August 27, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
Did you ever have those moments when you stopped to analyze where you were, right now, in your life, and in your retrospection, you found some decisive moments that directly resulted in who you are today? It's an illusion, really. Because of course what you did before led to what you did next, and next, and next, and suddenly you're where you are. So it makes perfect sense that you see some previous event as being pivotal. But dammit. They WERE pivotal! I played music in high scho...
August 17, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
Over on the right in my "Go Here Now" section is a link to a place called "Instapunk." It's kind of a blog by some, what I consider great thinkers. I just read this article, and I'm going to copy and paste it here. LW, I'm pretty sure Laird wrote this. There's "foul" language in it. Don't like that? Don't read it I post it here because it's worth the read. OLD. I've been tracking the Mayans and the Easter Islanders for close on 40 years now. The theories about their downfalls...
August 17, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
I've dabbled in html a long time, and it's just been dabbling. Enough to be dangerous - just enough. But that has been a good thing for me here at JU, because it has enabled me to manhandle the interface when using the cute little buttons above the edit window result in things that aren't exactly what I want. My wife has been out of town for the last week, and so I've spent more time here than normal. And in the course of that time, I noticed a couple simple things I could offer that mi...
August 15, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
Ok, Mari is pretty stoked about the yin-yang concept, and I think maybe my crude drawing didn't explain what she and I talked about well enough, so I took a little more time to try to show the concept we had in mind. Would this one (or variations of any overlapping between yin-yang and the flies) change your thoughts any? Thanks for comments. Here's another attempt. It's like a sore tooth...I can't quit fiddling with it!
August 13, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
Mari has wanted a tattoo for a long time. She's had a general idea of the subject matter she wanted, which is to say stuff to do with either dragonflies or lotus blossoms. She recently found this picture on the internet, and is thinking of getting a tattoo of it. I noticed that you could overlay a hint of yin-yang in there, and forgive me because I suck at visual art, but I came up with this modification. This is just a quick concept. Comments welcome. I'm sure she'd app...
August 10, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
That's right folks. 5000 points for old Ock. You're so screwed. I just made N/A for my rank here in this community. Because when you're named Ockhamsrazor, that means one thing. Top Shelf. I'd like to thank all my peeps for making this possible. You know who you are, you 6 digit mofos, you. This is a great milestone. It means my opinions have more impact now. My opinions are more true than the guy with less than 5000 points. Hahahaha you pathetic losers! You can't compete wi...
August 10, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
It's funny how often I take for granted all the things Mari (my wife) does for me. She's very thoughtful. And we've fought a lot in the past (over stupid stuff, of course) but we share one thing in common - we hate not being around each other more than pretty much everything. In an hour she is going to San Diego to see her Dad who is turning 80. She's going to surprise him - so it's not just me she's thoughtful about - quite a wonderful lady. She'll only be gone for a week, but I'm...
August 8, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
Re my previous article about anchors. The results are out, and no luck for me this year. Maybe next time. Cheers, All
August 6, 2007 by OckhamsRazor
This article is pretty much just for me to get something out of my system - even though I know it won't do much good. Background: The Navy enlisted rank structure goes like this: Seaman recruit, seaman apprentice, seaman, petty officer third class, second class, first class, chief, senior chief, master chief. I am a first class. It's the worst rank of all because you have to convince your superiors that you're worthy of being a chief while taking care of the juniors below you. These...